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Meet The Dogs Happy, Healthy, Plant-based
People may question if dogs can live on vegan food, without realizing so many already do. Hear about real experiences, from real people, with their really cool vegan dogs.
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Study The Data Supporting Resources
Learn more about why healthy vegan diets are being increasingly recommended for dogs. Discover how vegan diets can help with health, the environment, and more.
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KTLA interviews Dr. Armaiti May
Frequently Asked Questions
Find responses to common questions about vegan diets for dogs with the FAQ explorer below
We are seeing an epidemic of cancer in dog populations, with nearly 1 out of every 2 dogs dying from cancer.
Carcinogens and other hazardous substances are higher in meat-based foods due to the bioaccumulation of toxins as they travel up the food chain.
Plant based foods, being lower on that chain and with less bioaccumulation, routinely present far less exposure.
If we truly love our dog companions, we would naturally want to do all that we reasonably could to lower their exposure to things that can harm their health.
In addition, it is well established that most of the human-generated greenhouse gas emissions originate from the livestock industry.
Whether we are meat-eaters or not, we all need to embrace the reality that raising and killing animals is neither humane, nor healthy for our planet, nor our dogs.
It's for these reasons, as well as many others, that we strongly support plant-based diets for dogs in general, and this initiative in particular.
Dogs are omnivores and have no nutritional requirement for meat. Compared to their wolf ancestors, dogs have many more genes for digestion of carbohydrates, having evolved alongside humankind over the past 30,000 years.
There are literally thousands of dogs in the world today living on a plant-based diet, and commercially produced plant-based dog food has been in production for many years. The production of plant-based dog food continues to grow, while costs become increasingly competitive.
In addition to commercial plant-based dog food, there are many people who make plant based food for their dogs in the comfort of their own home. Commercially produced food will often be more nutritionally balanced and healthy on account of the considerable testing, development, and supplementation, that goes into the product.
Although many people can, and do, make their dogs plant-based food at home, people interested in this route should always do their research beforehand and verify their results through regular visits to their veterinarian.
When it comes to dog food, cheaper isn't always better. And in fact, often times cost savings for cheap food is can be erased by health issues for your dog down the line.
The cheapest food on the market today is cheap for a reason, it is of extremely poor quality.
When plant-based dog food entered the market, the prices were understandably higher than the mass-produced, low-quality food.
Plant-based dog food has always been on par with the price of other mid to high quality dog foods.
What's more, as production volume increases, prices continue to come down.
If plant based food companies are able to provide Los Angeles shelter dogs with their substantially higher-quality product, at the same price, the cost will likely become even less due to the increased production.
It's no surprise that there is some opposition to "vegan dogs". People were opposed to ending slavery and to women obtaining the vote. For the same reasons: because "it's always been this way," because "there's money on the other side," because "we haven't studied it enough," and because "there is opposition."
Changing habits, even bad ones, can be uncomfortable, but is vitally important to protect dogs, other animals, and the future of life on this planet.
Opponents of this proposal claim that dogs are carnivores, and can't obtain the nutrients they need from plant-based sources, but they are not correct.
The fact is that dogs are omnivores, and have been living off of human diets for the past 30,000 years.
Dogs thrive on plant-based diets, and all their needs can be met with plant-based diets.
These facts are all supported by research published in reputable scientific journals (visit our information section for more details).
Some people in opposition to this initiative are claiming that plant-based dog foods will lead to an increase of diarrhea in shelter dogs.
Regarding the claim that plant-based food will increase the risk of diarrhea.
(1) The increased fiber of plant-based food is more likely to result in larger, bulkier stools, but not necessarily diarrhea.
(2) A bulky stool is a healthy stool which helps eliminate toxins.
(3) Switching from high fat Canidae (the current food dogs at Los Angeles shelters are fed) to low fat V-dog or Halo (two proposed brands of plant based food to replaceme Canidae) makes diarrhea less likely than if switching the other way around.
(4) A gradual transition to the new food, which we strongly support, will minimize the potential for diarrhea for dogs currently in shelters *.
* Note: when dogs first enter the shelter, if the previous diet is unknown, naturally there is no way to transition gradually, regardless of the food used by the shelter.

Plant-based Diet Benefits for Dogs
Healthy vegan diets can be healing for dogs and provide a wide range of potential benefits

Heals Skin Allergies
Many vets routinely prescribe vegan food for dogs with allergic dermatitis.

Lower Carcinogen Exposure
Plant-based dog foods generally represent less carcinogen exposure, due to bioaccumulation in animal-derived foods.

Balanced Nutrition
Dogs have no nutritional requirement for meat, thousands of dogs in the world today thrive on vegan diets.

Overall Health
Most people who give their dogs healthy vegan food notice overall improvements in health and vitality.

Treats Food Allergies
Many dogs suffer from allergies to meat proteins, particularly those found in chickens and cows.

Less Aggressive Behavior
It has been observed that vegan diets can calm aggressive behavior.
What's It Like?

Meet Vegan Dogs
Some of our favorite vegan canine celebrities doing their thing for the camera
Animal Deaths
Each year in dog food made for LA City shelters
Veterinarians In Support
Many professionals in the field of animal medicine now recognize that dogs can live a healthy and happy life while consuming a vegan diet

Christian AmezcuaDVM

Randall CannonDVM

Jennifer CoatesDVM

Dr. Sarah DoddBVSc

Dr. John HynesDVM

Andrew KnightBVMS, PhD

Armaiti MayDVM

Lisa MellingDVM

Marybeth MinterDVM

Richard PitcairnDVM, PhD

Heather RallyDVM, PhD

Margo RomanDVM

Sherstin RosenbergDVM

Michael RothDVM

Erika SullivanDVM

Barry TaylorDVM

Ila TewariDVM

Debra VoulgarisDVM

Ned BuyukmihciDVM
Gifts For Adoptable Dogs
Gifts purchased through this website are sent directly to dogs in LA shelters and rescues