#VeganDog on Twitter
I 🖤you ⓥ Sending you lots of 🖤& vegan vibes ⓥ Kindness is contagious ⓥ Please share this post & spread the 🖤 ⓥ 🖤 Parker 🌱 #plantbaseddog #vegandog 🐾 #PembrokeWelsh #TriColorCorgi 📣 S/O to the #vegandogsquad instagram.com/p/CLkG…
Over 5% of greenhouse gases come from rearing livestock for pet food. And at least 20 times more land is needed to feed a meat-eating dog than one on a plant-based diet. Gulp. That's a big carbon footprint! #vegandog #vegandogfood #plantbasedpets #plantpower #crueltyfree #HOWND pic.twitter.com/f8qa…
@vegan_cavachon enjoying the breeze 🐶☀️🏖 . . . #vegandog #vegandogs #vegandogsofig #vegandogsofinstagram instagram.com/p/CLj4…
we ♥️ you. we also ♥️ cookies. a lot. BUT IT’S NOT A COMPETITION. #vegan #vegancookie #vegandog #pitbull #pibble #dogsofinsta #adoptdontshop instagram.com/p/CLjv…
We have partnered with @eden_reforest to plant a tree every time you buy a bag of Bright Planet treats. Buy here kck.st/3aPcuVv #plantbasedtreats #dogtreats #vegandog #newproductlaunch pic.twitter.com/74oe…
Ook mensen in #Drenthe kunnen een boek krijgen En dan? --> #PlanB #natuurlijk! #PvdD #PartijvoordeDieren #TK2021 #TeamPlanet #TeamPlant #Vegandog @estherouwehand @PartijvdDieren pic.twitter.com/wPGR…
Oh hello Friday ⓥ Happy to see you ⓥ & happy to see you furiends ⓥ Hope you are having a fantastic Friday ⓥ 🖤 Parker 🌱 #plantbaseddog #vegandog 🐾 #PembrokeWelsh #TriColorCorgi 📣 S/O to the #vegandogsquad instagram.com/p/CLfq…
His name is Uncle Jesse. He's (almost) 11. And he is SUCH a Karen. youtu.be/rBY5L1OFWng #vegandog
Snuggly Chelsea on a cold winter's day. 💚🌱 #veganmorality #veganethics #veganempathy #veganjustice #chooseveganism #veganfortheanimals #veganism #vegan #govegan #vegannow #veganfuture #veganforlife #vegandog #vegandogs #vegandogsquad #vegandogstrong 🌱 pic.twitter.com/BI4d…