Vegan all the way. Cooking for them using the pressure cooker makes it so much easier.
Get In Touch: Questions@VeganDogs.org
Upcoming FundraiserTonatiuh Melgarejo, DVM, MS, PhD
Sept 9th, 201811:30AM – 2:30 PM
Fund the Health Studyhttps://bit.ly/PBDStudy
Vegan all the way. Cooking for them using the pressure cooker makes it so much easier.
Healthy, happy, and shiny and gentle.
This love of my life has always been a plant lover, and increasing her veggie intake and ultimately going vegan has made her anal gland problems obsolete, and helps her stay active and healthy. Even after having had 2 ACL surgeries she is still full of energy and loves to run around and play, turmeric […]
Loves fruits and veggies! His bald spot that he’s had on his tail from the first week he joined our family (5 years ago) is slowly starting to regrow hair. He still has a lot of anxiety, that I wish I could help him with more. He is the biggest sweetest cuddle bug ever!!
He loves green juices, melons, veggies, lentils and quinoa and v-dog kibble